Publications / Speaking

Publications / Speaking

Leadership WebinarsService Line Implementation for Rural Hospitals, Texas A&M, Rural and Community Health Institute, Center for Optimizing Rural Health, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – Presenting Speaker; June 2022; Access full presentation here 

Leadership for New Line Managers and Executives in Rural Health Care, Texas A&M, Rural and Community Health Institute, Center for Optimizing Rural Health, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – Presenting Speaker; February 2022; Access full presentation here

Troubled Health Care Organizations (Articles), Troubled Rural What’s Different About the 13-Week Cash-Flow Analysis In A Troubled Hospital?, American Bankruptcy Institute, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal – Author; January 2023

Can This Hospital Be Saved?  Signs of Restructuring Potential, American Bankruptcy Institute, Health Care Committee Newsletter – Author; September 1, 2022

Health Care: Considerations for Iowa Communities, Iowa State Bar Association, 
The Iowa Lawyer ~ Author; October 2020

Troubled Health Care Organizations (Presentations),
What Can Be Done About Financial Distress in Rural U.S. Health Care? Indiana Rural Health Association (IRHA), IRHA's Annual Conference, June 2024

What Can Be Done About Financial Distress in Rural U.S. Health Care? Iowa Hospital Association (IHA) Governance Webinar Series ~ Panel Member, April 2024

What Can Be Done About Financial Distress in U.S. Nursing Home Care?? Iowa Health Care Association ~ Panel Member, Live Presentation, 2023; Webinar Series, 2024

Healthcare, Senior Living Industries and Insolvency: Overview and Hot Topics, Iowa State Bar Association, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law Seminar ~ Panel Member; May 2020

Vaccine Mandates, Hill, D. (2021), Vaccine Mandates in the Health Care Workplace: A Legal Analysis for Employers; Forthcoming Eagan, MN: American Health Law Association & Thomson Reuters American Health Lawyers Association ~ Contributor, Executive Summary Author; 2021

Physician Recruitment, Mitigating potential morale and revenue disruption during new provider onboarding; Management in Healthcare, Volume 7 / Number 1, pp. 16-22(7), Henry Stewart Publications – Co-Author with Jebson, Leslie R., Autumn/Fall 2022

Managed Care Contracting Webinar, Texas A&M, Rural and Community Health Institute, Center for Optimizing Rural Health supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ~ Presenting Speaker; November 2021

Career DevelopmentUniversity of Iowa Graduate Program in Health Management and Policy ~ Panel Member; 2003

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